Community Information
Please see this page for updates on community events. Events are held throughout the year. See below for quick information regarding City events.
The Community Center is available to rent on weekends and evenings. Please see the Center Calendar for the most recent rental openings.
City of Kirtland Events

Community Shred Day
Shred Day is provided at no cost to City residents and is
scheduled in the month of October. In 2024, Shred Day will
be held at the Community Center from 8:30 - 11:00 am on
Saturday, October 12.
Trunk or Treat
The week prior to Halloween brings with it a chance for the
children to trunk or treat around the City. Eight locations
are available from 6:30 - 8:30 pm with treats and activities
offered at each. In 2024, this event will be held on
Wednesday, October 23.
Fall Yard Clean-up
Twice a year, local faith and civic organizations come
together under the umbrella of the Mayor's Action
Network to provide free yard clean-up to community
seniors and veterans. In 2024, this event will be held on
Saturday, November 9. ​
Thanksgiving Prayer Service​
The Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving is an opportunity for
everyone in Kirtland to come together in gratitude. Any
church in this City is welcome to participate in the planning
of this annual event. The location changes yearly, with a
different church hosting. All are welcome and any
donations support the Kirtland Area Service Council.
In 2024, this event will be held on Tuesday, November 26.
Holiday Tree Lighting
Just outside City Hall, the Public Works Department creates a
winter wonderland. We light up the night with music and hot
Shamrock Shuffle and Shenanigans
Held annually in March, this day of celebration begins with
a 5K run and continues with Irish-themed refreshments and
Easter Egg Hunt
All children are welcome to come to City Hall to meet the
Easter Bunny and hunt for eggs. The Kirtland Library also
provides activities and crafts for the family.
Spring Yard Clean-up
Twice a year, local faith and civic organizations come
together under the umbrella of the Mayor's Action
Network to provide free yard clean-up to community
seniors and veterans.
City Memorial Clean-up and Tree Planting
Traditionally held the week prior to Memorial Day, the City,
Kirtland Kiwanis, the Kirtland Garden Club, American
Legion Post 609, Scouts, and members of the public join to
beautify our memorial walk and garden outside of City
Hall. This event ends with an annual tree-planting
ceremony with our Public Works Department.
Memorial Day Ceremony
Each year on Memorial Day, the City, led by American
Legion Post 609, the City honors those who have fallen.
Safety Town
Every year in June, the children are invited to a week-long
Safety Town Camp. Registrations for both attendees and
counselors will begin in March.
Kiwanis Strawberry Festival
An annual favorite, the Kirtland Kiwanis host the Strawberry
Festival each year in June.
Kirtland Library Gazebo Concerts
With the support of NOPEC Community Grants, the
Kirtland Library hosts four summer gazebo concerts each
summer. These events are free to the public and include
opportunities for local groups to be a part of these
amazing community events.